Honda Repair Manuals | Honda Civic Removal and installation of the inlet pipe duct

It is not necessary to forget, that gasoline is an inflammable liquid in the higher measure, at work with feed system components observe all taken measures of fire safety. Do not smoke and do not come nearer to a place of work with open fire or the redurable not protected by a lamp shade.
Performance order:

1. Unhook a negative lead from the battery.
2. Empty cooling system.
3. Remove an air cleaner with an air intake.
4. Accurately having marked, unhook all stirring to dismantle of the inlet pipe duct a wiring and vacuum lines.
5. Unhook a cable of an accelerator from the lever of a drive gear of a throttle valve.
6. Remove from the case of a throttle hoses of a cooling path.
7. Dump a system pressure of a food and unhook from a fuel highway of a line of giving and fuel return.
8. Working from below under an impellent compartment, remove an assembly buckle supporting to the inlet pipe duct.
9. Unhook from the inlet pipe duct a cooling hose.
10. Turn out fastening bolts and remove the inlet pipe duct from the engine.
Performance order:

1. Wipe solvent of a nut of fastening of the inlet pipe duct, then carefully dry them (whenever possible with application of compressed air).
2. Estimate planeness of an interfaced surface of the pipe duct by means of a special measuring instrument (the steel rule put on an edge) and a probe.
3. Inspect the pipe duct on presence of cracks and deformation signs. The defective pipe duct is subject to replacement.
4. Check up a condition of fixture (bolts/hairpins) of the pipe duct. Defective units replace.
5. Scratch out from interfaced surfaces of a head and the inlet pipe duct traces of a material of an old layer pad, then wipe surfaces the rags moistened in acetone.
6. Having picked up a new sealing gasket, establish the pipe duct on the regular place and fix it, having tightened by hand all nuts. Operating in that order, tighten fixture with demanded effort.
7. The further installation is made in an order, the return to a dismantle order. In summary do not forget to fill cooling system.

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